Note Kitchen

What is Note Kitchen?

Note Kitchen is like a search engine and laboratory for exploring musical chords and scales. Simply type the name of a chord or a scale in the text field and see the notes light up on the keyboard.

You can also hear what the notes sound like by adding the keyword 'play' to your search. See below for a full list of commands and options.


Feature requests? Bugs? Questions?
Message me on Facebook: @notekitchenapp


Type the following commands and press "RETURN" to confirm. When you type a valid settings command the text color will change temporarily.


Include these keywords in addition to chords or scales in your query to enable additional features.


Keyboard shortcuts and commands.


When you type a query you'll notice a "Link" link appear on the bottom left of the screen. This is a shareable link that contains your current query. This is a convenient way for saving chords or scales or sharing them with others.


Chord notes appear as soon as you type them in. To show chords start by typing a root note followed by a series of modifiers. All the common chord symbols are supported. Try being creative and experimenting with chord names.


Scales appear as soon as you type them in. Simply type a root note followed by a valid scale name. The full list of supported scales is found below.

About me

My name's Nebs and I run the synthesizer YouTube channel once upon a synth.

I built Note Kitchen because I wanted a simple tool for quickly searching for scales and chords. I hope to expand this tool to include many more features.

This is a passion side-project which combines two of my main passions: programming and music. I hope you enjoy using it!